Our Services


We specialize in the restoration of both paper artifacts and canvas artworks. Our expert conservators use advanced techniques to revive delicate papers and canvases, preserving their historical significance and aesthetic integrity. Whether it's ancient manuscripts, watercolors, or oil paintings, we ensure each piece receives meticulous care to safeguard its story for future generations.


Due to the wide range of materials and treatments, acceptance of objects is a case-by-case basis. Our conservators aim to preserve the historical and artistic integrity while maintaining an emphasis on structural stability.

Custom Framing

A large percentage of works that come to the studio require treatment from damage sustained due to poor framing techniques. The manner in which artwork is mounted and framed has a tremendous effect on its long-term preservation. We offer basic custom and archival framing.

Furniture Restoration

A foot of your most valued furniture broke? We can fix it! The Conservatory offers basic restoration of wood on any furniture. From repair to construction, our simple service can bring you the stability it needs for you to enjoy your pieces once again.

Art Installations

We offer installation services with the upmost care given to the Artwork and environment in which its placed. A standard rate of $150 per hour (including travel time) with an additional charge should it require two people.

At the Conservatory, we understand that some Artwork is too large or heavy for some clients to attempt to bring us. We can arrange pick up and or delivery should the need arise. A standard rate is $50 within city limits with an additional charge should the piece require two or more people or be outside city limits.
